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PhD Position in Evolutionary Biology at UNSW

Come April I’ll be moving to the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, to take up an ARC funded DECRA Fellowship working in the new lab of A/Prof Shinichi Nakagawa. While it’s sad to be moving away from the LizardLab Martin will still be a big part of some very cool projects and I’ll still make regular visits. Shinichi, Martin, Scott Keogh (ANU) and I have big plans to conduct meta-analyses, develop individual-based models and start some very exciting empirical work on Garden skinks looking at how metabolism influences personality and learning. We’ll be testing some new and exciting theoretical developments in this area and we are looking for a bright, enthusiastic PhD student to be part of our team. If you’re interested in being part of the lab and working in a very exciting and dynamic place, such as UNSW, please shoot me an email! The details on the PhD advertisement are listed below:

PhD position studying lizard personality, learning and metabolism at the University of New South Wales

Dr. Daniel Noble and A/Professor Shinichi Nakagawa in the Evolution & Research Centre (E&ERC), at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) are seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic student to study the covariation between metabolism, personality and learning in a model Australian lizard system. The student will join a newly formed lab group at UNSW and be part of an exciting multidisciplinary team building links between environmentally driven effects on phenotypic variation and the consequences of these effects on fitness. The student will combine theory with extensive experimental work manipulating incubation temperatures, taking behavioural and physiological measures, and establishing controlled semi-natural breeding experiments to obtain multigenerational data. They will use cutting edge molecular (e.g. SNP genotyping) and statistical tools (e.g. meta-analysis, Bayesian and individual-based modeling) during their candidature to address important topical questions in evolutionary and behavioural ecology.  The student will also work with collaborators from Macquarie University, Sydney University, and The Australian National University in addition to other research groups at UNSW. We expect the student to travel to both international and national conferences to present the results of their work during their candidature.

If you are interested in joining our exciting project at E&ERC, UNSW please send an email with an expression of interest, why you are interested in joining the lab and your CV to Dan ( and Shinichi ( High quality applicants will apply for an APA scholarship through UNSW, which covers tuition and provides a stipend ($25,392/year; more details at: Opportunities exist to make additional income through teaching positions advertised in the department.

Note that to apply for an APA scholarship, the candidate needs to be Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident. However, we welcome students who would like to bring their own scholarship to join our project.

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