I’m looking to expand the lab group here at the ANU. If you’re interested in doing a Ph.D. with me in an amazing School check out the details below and get in touch!
The Project: The Noble lab (http://biology.anu.edu.au/people/daniel-noble) at the ANU is seeking expressions of interest from high-quality international or domestic candidates interested in pursuing a PhD exploring the links between metabolism, thermal plasticity and maternal effects in an Australian lizard. Field and lab experiments will be designed to test both predictions and assumptions stemming from pace-of-life theory and the metabolic theory of ecology. There is ample flexibility for the candidate to develop and pursue their own research questions within this grand theme, but there is an expectation that the candidate will make use of broad-scale meta-analytic and comparative approaches in combination with manipulative experiments.
The Candidate: Suitable applicants will be enthusiastic and highly motivated, with a strong academic and research background. A demonstrated ability to conduct research is required and the student should have lab and field experience along with an interest in physiological processes. Experience in programming and data analysis is also desirable, but not essential.
Location: The candidate will be based in the Division of Ecology and Evolution at the Research School of Biology at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia. The ANU is one of the best universities in the world and is one of the highest ranked universities in Australia. The candidate will make use of ANU’s excellent semi-natural outdoor mesocosms and temperature controlled facilities for conducting experiments. Fieldwork will take place along Australia’s east coast. The candidate will also work closely with collaborators, both abroad, and within the Research School of Biology (http://biology.anu.edu.au/research/divisions/ecology-and-evolution) for various aspects of the project.
Expression of interest: Expressions of interest should be submitted directly to Daniel Noble (daniel.noble@anu.edu.au) by August 2, 2019. Please include a brief statement on why you are interested in this project, a CV and contact details for references. Following an assessment of applications, one applicant will then be invited to formally apply to the ANU. You can also find out more information about the graduate program by clicking on the “Higher Degree by Research” tab at http://biology.anu.edu.au/education/degree-programs.
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