I completed my PhD at Macquarie University under the supervision of Associate Prof. Martin Whiting. I was also co-advised by Prof. Scott Keogh at The Australian National University. I then moved on to UNSW as an ARC DECRA Fellow working with Prof. Shinichi Nakagawa on meta-analysis and empirical questions related to metabolisms role in behaviour, cognition and life-history. In 2019, I moved to the Australian National University to start my own group in the Division of Ecology and Evolution. You can reach me anytime at the details below:
Dr. Daniel Noble
Lecturer in Ecophysiology
Division of Ecology and Evolution (office W317),
Research School of Biology,
Robertson Building,
46 Sullivans Creek Road,
The Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 2600
T: +61 02 6125 0423
M: +61 430 290 053
Noble Lab Webpage (www.nobledan.com)