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'Kids' in warm environments learn better! Incubation temperature affects a baby lizards ability to learn a motor task

Our new paper on baby lizard cognition was just published in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology!

Lizard cognition has experienced something of a resurgence in the last few years. To get up to speed, take a look at a previous post summarising most of the recent published work. In a new paper published online in Behavioral […]

Redder Frillneck lizards are better fighters! MUST read!

Recently, the Pryke Lab published its first paper on a reptile—the iconic Frillneck Lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii). Both males and females have frills and until now, the consensus has always been that frills play a role in anti-predator behaviour. Not only does the frill startle a would-be predator, but it may also bluff them into thinking […]