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Visit to the Uller lab at Lund University

It has been ages since my last blog post. I promise to correct this lull with more frequent blog posts from now on!

I’ve been very busy with the i-deel team at UNSW and also just got back from a wonderful trip to visit Tobias Uller and the Uller lab at Lund University. It was an absolutely fantastic trip, filled with loads of science discussion and productive work towards a paper Tobias, Shinichi and I have been planning.

The Uller lab is growing fast and there are all kinds of cool and exciting projects happening from Anole (Anolis) lizards to Daphnia to good old Wall Lizards (Podarcis). Of course, I got a chance to enjoy the sights on my way to work every day and even visited Southern France for a few days to help with some field work and give a talk at the CNRS in Moulis. It was great to catch up with Fabien Aubret again too!

Some pictures from my adventures below!

My favourite...white and dessert!

My favourite…French wine and dessert!

A crazy old church in France!

A crazy old church in France!

Members of the Uller lab doing some Tim Tam Slams!

Members of the Uller lab doing some Tim Tam Slams!

Beautiful buildings and flowers in Lund

Beautiful buildings and flowers in Lund

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